CS 528 - Linux Kernel Development

Evans Kurapaty




Assignment 1 - Setup up SUNY IT website and weekly log for CS 528

SSH into gaben. Made landing page website. Made page for weekly log of CS 528.
Tools used -


Assignment 2 - Installed Ubuntu - 64-bit - 18.04.1 LTS

Steps followed -

  1. Downloaded image of the latest version of ubuntu LTS from here. I've used VMware to setup the ubuntu virtual machine on my laptop.

    Step 1

  2. Hit continue, and the virtual machine fires up! Just like that.

    Step 2

  3. This next screen should load shortly. Once it does, click on Install Ubuntu.

    Step 3

    Select desired keyboard layout.

    Step 4

  4. Select installation type.

    Step 5

    Design your partitions and you're done with the basic configurations! Click Install Now.

    Step 6

  5. Let the installer run. Will take a while. Fast forward the installation process, the OS will reboot and you should arrive at a screen like this.

    Step 7

  6. Enter password and login to your account. Voila! you've now successfully set up Ubuntu on a virtual machine.

    Step 8


Assignment 3 - Compiled Linux Kernel 4.19 source code

Steps followed -

  1. Downloaded kernel source from kernel.org. The latest kernel version I found was 4.19.
  2. Installed required tools to compile the kernel source.
  3. make using 4 cores
  4. copy boot image
  5. update initramfs
  6. update grub


Assignment 4 - Wrote my first linux system call !!

Steps followed -

  1. Downloaded kernel source from kernel.org. The latest kernel version I found was 4.19.
  2. Installed required tools to compile the kernel source.
  3. make using 4 cores
  4. copy boot image
  5. update initramfs
  6. update grub


Assignment 5 - Project Proposal

Kernel module to switch between I/O schedulers of the kernel. Click here to view report.